We receive too many enquiries from students asking “how to pass acca exam”. this is very common question and many different teachers will answer you differently. It better to ask from an expert. who can be a better person to ask this than an Examiner herself.
We are presenting Interview with ACCA examiner Ann Irons who give you an insight to how ACCA exams look like, what examiner expects from students, so basically its examiners approach.
She also explains how to answers different types of questions. how to do revision of ACCA exams. when shall you start studying etc.
She further explain common pitfalls of ACCA student i.e why student fail these tough ACCA exams. Although She is part of examining team of ACCA F5 (PM) but exam tips given by her are effective for all ACCA Exams from AIB to AAA.
She explain different question from ACCA F5 (PM) performance management to ACCA F8 Audit and Assurance.
How to show workings and how detailed answers should be of ACCA Taxation Exams be it ACCA F6 UK Taxation or ACCA P6 UK Advanced Taxation.
Watch this Video lecture to add valuable Tips in your studies and Exam preparation.
Good Luck !
Finished watching examiner interview? why not watch ACCA prizewinner interviews too.
Click here to watch ACCA Prize winners interview